It started from one small yellow sticky note
I was a forgetful child. My grades from homeworks was the worst because I forgot to make them.
But one day I knew that if I forgot the thing I should remember there are going to be bad consequences (ironically, I don't remember what it was).
I had to come up with an idea. Fortunately I liked to play with paper like it's money.
There was small yellow sticky note (imaginary money), so I used it and wrote what I should remember to do in the morning.
But it was just first part of the plan because if I get up tomorrow I could forget about checking the card! It was stressful...
To don't forget about sticky note that should help me to not forget I placed it to the railing on the bed so when I get up it will be first thing that I see.
It worked. I saw sticky note and remembered what I should do. Actually I was thinking about it so much before sleep that I remembered it even without looking at note, but it was better to have it just in case.
This was my first encounter with organizing myself but the next thing was writing. It wasn't so much about what I write but how.
Writing and journal
Few years later I wanted to write journal during my holidays. But to make it more exciting I did few things:
- use fountain pen
- sit in comfortable sofa
- write calmly (instead of as fast as I could)
- writing on evening when it was already dark outside
I remember this up to this day's that it was so 'magical' experience and fountain pen made me slow down with my writing speed and thoughts. I felt calm and peace during this experience.
Okay so we have one sticky note and note-taking. Not so much but with life going there is more to remember and this brings us to next phase.
Disorganized task management. Digital era.
During middle school I started with windows notepad. Files was hidden everywhere. It was mess but let's say it was better than nothing.
Then it was notepad++. Similar to notepad but more powerful to format text, and it's possible to open multiple files. Especially useful when my files were in different locations, so I didn't have to search them.
By accident, I discovered also google keep. And I stored there few tasks, but it also wasn't my way.
Kanban. Trello
On one classes in college we were learning about project management. This was the time that I learned about Trello.
I heard before about kanban that companies used that to organize work, but I realized I could use it also for personal stuff.
Trello was my way to organize my life and projects for few years but also my feeling about storing data locally grow deeply. Not only with my tasks but actually with other stuff like games, music, books.
But to be completely honest with you, I do like Trello. They are excellent with managing projects. It's not I don't like them anymore.
Different way of thinking
I prefer to own and have copy stored locally. People often don't understand me, they prefer convenience to ownership. Or they don't understand that I like to have music as mp3 file instead to using streaming. I want to just pay once for the thing and own it. Have it.
That's the reason why I buy.
But I also understand that sometimes streaming is not that bad, or renting or subscription is good idea. It has its pros and cons like always.
I just prefer to pay once, buy and own if this is possible when it makes sense.
And owning my organization and notes data is definitely one of these.
If you are also this kind of person that think you should own your data then Constito is for you.
Main mission is to help you with personal organization. In addition, by supporting it you also help other people like we that prefer to own things that we buy because one day they might also need such software.
Constito is not definitive answer to productivity. It's the beginning, and you can shape its future in multiple ways: by buying, mentioning it, giving your opinions and ideas or telling about bugs.
You can be part of this wave from the beginning. Do you want to join?